Southern food may be good, but learning also connects it with sudden death

Cooking in South America is known as delicious because it is not healthy. Food is often fried, filled with fat and salt, while drinks are often sweet. According to new research published by the American Heart Association, eating this diet regularly can also increase your risk of suddenly dying because of heart problems.

In the US, southern food involves things like eggs, processed meat, organ meat like “monks,” and sweet drinks and fried food. Eating this type of diet regularly has been associated with sudden heart death, according to new observational research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

This finding is based on data from more than 21,000 people over 45 years old. These individuals have participated in reasons of geographical and racial differences in stroke research projects ranging from 2003 to 2007.

Note, a little more than half of the participants live in the Southeast United States, which is sometimes called “stroke belt” because of its high mortality rate of stroke. This special study focuses on sudden heart death, namely when someone suddenly loses the heart function that causes death within one hour.

Based on data collected from the participants, this study found that regularly eating a southern style diet related to the risk of 46 percent higher experiencing sudden death compared to the most likely people ate with this diet style. However, on the other hand, people who regularly consume traditional Mediterranean diets have a 26 percent lower.

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