

The nutritional value of guavas are now being discussed, as guavas have many health advantages. They are also rich in vitamin C. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) declares the 100 grams fruits contain only 68 calories, and 8.92 grams sugar for each serving. Guavas are also an excellent source of calcium. They contain 18 grams per 100 grams of fruit. It also contains considerable amounts of potassium and phosphorus. 40 and 417 gm per 100 g respectively, as well as magnesium, which is 22 grams per 100 grams.

Here Are wellhealthorganic.com:5-amazing-health-benefits-of-guava:

1. Immunity Enhancer

Guavas are among the most abundant sources of vitamin C. It’s a fact. Guavas have four times as much vitamin C than citrus. Vitamin C enhances immunity and shields against infectious diseases as well as pathogens. In addition, it improves eye health.

2. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C and other polyphenols are potent antioxidants that neutralize free radicals generated in the body, stopping the growth of cancer cells. Doctor. Manoj K. Ahuja states that the lycopene-rich fruit of guava has been found to reduce the risk of prostate cancer as well as inhibit the growth in breast cancer cell lines.

3. Diabetes-Friendly

Guavas are a great food to prevent the development diabetes due to their high fiber content as well as the low level of glycemic. The low glycemic index will prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar levels, the high fiber content assures your blood sugar levels are maintained.

4. Healthy Heart

Guava fruit improves the proportion of sodium and potassium in the body, which helps regulate the blood pressure of hypertensive individuals. Guavas are also able to reduce triglyceride as well as poor cholesterol (LDL) levels which are responsible for developing cardiovascular diseases. This fruit is a miracle that increases healthy cholesterol (HDL) levels.

5. Therapeutic for Constipation

It is among the top sources of dietary fiber in comparison to other fruit and a single guava can provide about 12% of the daily intake of recommended consumption, which makes it extremely beneficial for digestion health. In the event of chewing or swallowing whole in a chew, guava seeds make excellent laxatives that promote healthy stool movements.

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