Vivo Patent Smartphone with a mini drone camera in it

Many use their smartphones to catch anything anywhere, sometimes even in locations and difficult or dangerous positions. One thing our strong smartphone will never be able to do is take aerial photos, at least not without help from the drone or other flying tool. Never say, as they say, and Vivo seems to think of something to solve the problem. The latest patent shows a smartphone that holds honest-to-goodness quadcopter drones to take pictures from above, almost like in the film. 

As is usually a patent, the idea is simple, but its implementation will definitely be the matters of engineering and manufacturing if successful. Drone images slid out of your mobile to take pictures of places that you cannot go safely might trigger a sci-fi image or spy flicks where things everyday hide others, not so ordinary.

According to the patent reported by Letsgodigital, a hidden camera system includes four propellers, three infrared sensors, two cameras, and its own battery. One camera faces forward while the other faces up, even though it is recognized, it will be more useful if it faces the ground. Infrared sensors face three remaining cardinal directions and are most likely used to avoid obstacles and navigation.

The image arousing might sound fantastic, but it might be a nightmare to do. Even today’s smallest camera drones are thicker than the thickest smartphone, especially when you insert the propeller. Having something like that in a smartphone also means less space for other important components, especially batteries. Patents don’t really say whether the drone camera system has temporary use docking inside, which implies a wasted space when it is not used.

Of course, it’s just a patent without a guarantee made into a real product, but the idea is interesting and interesting. Nobody tells where we will be 10 or 20 years old from now on smartphones and drone technology. This might be a more reasonable and worthy product in the future that is not too far away, and, when it happens, Vivo has held a patent to have it.

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