Nifty midcap 100

All you need to know about Nifty midcap 100!

Nifty midcap 100 is an index of the stock market. It is managed and designed by the Indian Index products and services . It helps to find all the information about the latest trends in the market and factors which can affect the stock market index . It consists of 100 companies all belonging to diverse sectors. It focuses on observing the midcap sector of the Indian market. Calculation of this stock index is done based on the capitalization method of free float.

List of Companies on the Nifty Midcap 100. Since May 31, 2018, there are 100 companies listed on the NIFTY midcap 100 index. Among all the companies, the highest weightage is held by RBL Bank Limited of 2.9 %. In the Second position, we have Edelweiss Financial Services Limited at 2.45 %. In the construction sector, Bharat Forge Limited is at the top with 2.36 %.

Now if we consider the representation of different sectors at the Nifty midcap index then the financial sector comes at the top with 29.54 %. It is followed by the consumer goods sector which leads ahead with 11.35 %.

Other famous sectors like pharmaceuticals and IT also contribute to the NIFTY midcap index which comprises 10.6 % and 4.9 % respectively.

According to the NIFTY market indices criteria documents submitted by India index services & products limited, companies should fulfil the following conditions to be eligible under the nifty Midcap 100 index

  1. The company must have listed its shares on the National Stock . Fixed return providing financial instruments like stocks, bonds and warrants are not eligible for the Nifty Midcap 100 index • All the companies which are part of the Nifty 500 
  2. Differential voting rights with equity shares are also eligible to fulfil the criteria of the Nifty midcap index if they fulfill certain criteria 
  3. For shares that are newly issued, the data is collected over three months period and their eligibility is checked thereafter
  4. For understanding the nifty midcap 50 understanding the midcap index 150 is necessary

[: One of the most popular indices of India is The Nifty Midcap 100. It evaluates the performance of middle size Indian companies and various stocks listed on the National Stock exchange of India.

Various factors which affect the Nifty Midcap 100 are :

  1. Inflation rates
  2. gold price
  3. Price of fuel
  4. GDP information and trends
  5. Interest rates prevailing in the market
  6. production data of industries

All these factors affect the fluctuation rate of the Nifty midcap 100.

Investment in Nifty midcap 100 is an easy process and 5Paisa made it even easier. Their real-time tracking system allows users to asses the current trend and price of the stock. By investing in individual stocks listed by Nifty Midcap 100 an individual can undertake profitable investment.Nifty bank today are cery helpful in providing financial advice to traders 

Proper research and analysis are necessary for deciding to invest in any particular stock listed on nifty midcap 100. Both past and present data must be studied to taking up proper investment decisions.

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